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Updated: Sep 7, 2022

This blog post is part of my series, Civic Citizens Series on Communication. It aims to help Grey Highlands residents communicate better with our municipality.

This blog series, Civic Citizen Series: Communications has two parts.

Part One: Grey Highlands Speaks to you

Part Two: You Speak to your Municipality

This posts discusses the Community Calendar. This is different than the Council Calendar.


Community Calendar

Level of Detail: Very detailed

Frequency of Posts: As needed

Author: Staff or other government levels

Ideal for: Municipal junkies to newbies

The Community Calendar is found at the bottom of

Why is there a big black box where a screen shot used to be? Well, that is because we are in an election cycle and, as a candidate I cannot use the Grey Highlands logo or other identifiable images (I.E screen shots of the website). It is, what it is, and the screen shots will be back after Oct 24!

Click View Full Calendar to see the entire, current month.

The current month of the Community Calendar displays. From here, you can subscribe to receive notifications when there is a change to the calendar.

You can also submit a community event to staff that you want displayed on the Community Calendar or print the existing events.

To submit an event you will need an account.

DISCLAIMER The staff at The Municipality of Grey Highlands are experts in their respective fields. If something here is different than staff's advice, always follow staff's direction. And, then please email me at with what I got wrong.



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