This blog series explores some of the questions I have been asked by Grey Highlands' constituents.
Are you currently employed full time and if you are how will you dedicate time to this position?
No, but I feel like I might have several part time ones! ;-) Between the kids, the farm and Council, I am very busy. I know, for myself, I could not work full time and manage the rest of my life. I would get run down and I would not be effective.
However, for those considering running for Council, I remind them that the first year can be time-intense, but once you get the hang of things you do get into a grove. It might be hard to work Monday through Friday 9 to 5 and meet all your Council obligations, but if you had a job you could work around it is feasible. I think this is why many Councillors are business owners because they control their own time better.
What background were you employed as a project management (PM)?
I worked in manufacturing for most of my "Information Technology (IT) Life" meaning that the companies that I worked for or consulted at were making something be it cars, candy or ice cream. I always worked for the company making some sort of software product to solve one of their business problems, for example, paying employees or picking in a warehouse.
A large portion of my role was to "translate" between the business with the problem (paint a red car then a white car without getting a pink car) and the company going to solve this problem (with new or modified software). This usually results in the two groups speaking two different languages. This is where I gained the skill of diplomacy.
You can check out my resume on my blog's About page https://www.daniellevaliquette.ca/about.
What ecological wisdom could you bring into our corporation that you think would make the biggest impact?
Though perhaps not wisdom, there are two long term environmental goals I have for Grey Highlands
I would love to see people redefine what they think is beautiful. I would love to see residential homes move to less chemicals and more naturally found elements. There has been education done, for example, many people are more inclined to keep their dandelions for the bees. But I would like to things like wild flower fields an acceptable option for front lawns.
The gold standard in composting is backyard composting, and I would love to see more residents compost in their own backyards even in places like Markdale and Flesherton. Traditionally, we think of composting as a rural task, but that does not need to be the case some even compost in apartments without any fancy appliances.
See my post, Running for Mayor: Smart Growth for more details.
See all the questions I have been asked throughout the 2022 Campaign!