Updated: Sep 28, 2022
This blog post is about services on private roads in Grey Highlands.
There are many private roads in Grey Highlands. Some are used by farmers to access fields while others rely on them to access their cottages or even homes.
A Private Road is any road that is not a public highway as defined in the Municipal Act, 2001, and which private road exists by virtue of the existence of a right of way benefiting more than one legally conveyable parcel of land.
Private Roads and the Grant
On March 16, 2022 Council debated 8.4 Lakewood Lane Private Road Maintenance Request Staff Report 2022-31. Council receives staff report TPS.22.10.
The Background
In the past Council's gave financial aid in the form or a grant called Private Road Grant Policy to private road owners to cover costs associated with road maintenance like snow plowing, road grading, tree removal and trimming, noxious weed control, gravel, dust control, roadside grass cutting, road drainage including ditches and catch basins, road reconstruction and road surfacing.
What Staff Recommended
In March, Staff recommended that maintenance activities on private roads be discontinued, with the exception of the six existing private road maintenance agreements (under the Private Road Grant Policy), and that Council direct staff to bring recommendations forward on updating the Private Road Grant Policy to a future meeting to reflect current costs.
What Council Did?
There was a lot of debate. A lot. With many confusing amendments to the original motion; however, in the end Council directed staff to update the Private Road Grant Policy that outlines considerations related to the remaining 6 grand parented private road maintenance agreements.
Essentially, this means Council did not make a decision and we need more information, in this case, what are all the options, for example (but not limited to) fully fund, partially fund or do not fund.
What Happens Next?
Until, the report is back on the Agenda, I do not know how I will vote; however, what I am looking for is equity, for example, are all private roads receiving a grant?
There are several private roads in Grey Highlands.
Your Private Road and Garbage
Grey Highlands is moving to a new Collection Contract, and as part of this process the new company will be visiting each of the private roads that are currently serviced to determine the best collection process per individual spot.
See all the questions I have been asked throughout the 2022 Campaign!