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This blog series explores some of the questions I have been asked by Grey Highlands' constituents. This post reviews the questions asked of all candidates at the Kimberley All Candidates Meeting on Oct 5, 2022.

The following posts originated from questions from the Kimberley Community Association (KCA) Debate.

The following are the question topics:

Transparency, Communication, and Staff Roles

As our elected representative, how will you guide and direct municipal staff to ensure that there is meaningful and timely citizen engagement and transparency in Council’s decision -making processes?

It’s time that Grey Highlands had leadership that is about people, not politics. As you mayor, I am committed to open communication. I believe in working collaboratively, and not seeing the world as either winners or losers because divisive politics are a barrier to real solutions that improve people’s lives. Politician shouldn’t be a dirty word; politicians can do better, so much better, and as your mayor I will strive to make “politician” evoke a positive image: an image of integrity and transparency.

I am running because I am committed to a collaborative government that works transparently with staff and the community.

As the Mayor of Grey Highlands there are several things I will:

  • Meet with the Deputy Mayor regularly.

  • Meet with Members at least quarterly.

  • Encourage strong liaison relationships between Staff and Council.

  • Encourage Council Members to Chair Committee of the Whole (COW) for which they are the liaison, as per The Procedural By-Law.

  • Encourage committee assignments that are based on talents, skills and preferences, not politics.

  • Encourage inclusive language.

  • Efficiently run meetings. If meetings were chaired efficiently, there would be more time for constituents to speak at Open Forum.

I will guide and direct Staff to reach as many people as they can via as many different mediums as possible, for example, local paper, social media, news releases, electronic newsletters, in-person roaming engagement sessions (re-imagine), in-person events, online surveys and so on. Hopefully, my blog will become one more tool for me to inform and promote civic education.

Additionally, I also think that teleconferencing technologies like Zoom should be continued alongside in-person meetings when possible. This increases the amount of staff required per meeting, but I do believe it increases the likelihood of civic engagement.

As the mayor of Grey Highlands, I will create diverse, equitable, and inclusive civic spaces. See my blog post for more on how I will make Grey Highlands more collaborative and transparent.

In the interest of transparency, all of the questions (with the answers!) I have received from constituents over the 2022 campaign, I have posted in my series called Qs from Constituents.

And finally, a shout out to the Grey Highlands Municipal League. I am hoping that with more people running, it means more people voting, which means more people paying attention and engaging. A girl can dream!

You might also be interested in the following posts:

See my post, Running for Mayor: Smart Growth for more details.


See all the questions I have been asked throughout the 2022 Campaign!


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