Updated: Sep 28, 2022
This blog series explores some of the questions I have been asked by Grey Highlands' constituents. This post explores how I hope to instill equity across the entirety of Grey Highlands.
This blog series includes the following posts:
This post explores how as the mayor of Grey Highlands I will strive for equity.
Over the last four years there have been several initiatives that have inventoried what each community, for example, Markdale, Flesherton, Priceville, Osprey, and so on... historically received from the municipality. For example, for years and years Community A received $500 to host the Santa Claus Parade while Community A received $4000 to run a Canada Day event. (Clearly, these are not real examples.) For many of theses bursaries, the original written down agreements long lost.
I believe that things have become more equitable across Grey Highlands. Largely, thanks to the Committee Development Action (CDAC), the Financial Assistance Program (FAP) has a process now, and many Memorandums of Understanding (MOU)s have been reviewed. But, I get that sometimes it feels like one community gets everything.
I will continue to strive for equity. Markdale is going to see some things simply because it has services. But I don't think people in the more rural areas want to see the development that Markdale is about to get either.
Now, I have to admit, I think the question people are asking really is...
Are you going to keep my arena open?
And, I will answer that once public engagement is complete on The Master Rec Plan. Please attend if you can.
See all the questions I have been asked throughout the 2022 Campaign!