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WEEKLY REVIEW: Friday Sept 30, 2022

This blog looks at what happened this week, including campaign events.

I have started blogging my answer to every question that I have been asked during the campaign. The writing process has always been the way I work through the problems and issues I face at Council (and beyond), and sharing them in the form of a blog post just seems like the next natural step.

Please reach out if you have a have a question or if you feel something I answered was not satisfactory.

And, please share the link with your Grey Highlands friends.

This Week's Highlights

  • Planning Meeting Three files were reviewed by staff. One was for a downtown Markdale property.

  • Library Board The Library CEO Jennifer Murley and The Board has been reviewing and updating many of the library's policies and some were discussed including a clothing allowance. I sit on this board with Councillor Dane Nielsen.

NOTE: Grey Highlands is now accepting applications for board & committee openings for the 2022-2026 term of council. Apply today! 

  • Shh, don't tell on me, but I pulled my youngest out of school for the morning to join me at the raising of the National Truth and Reconciliation flag. After, the Flesherton Public Library hosted a story reading of The Train. Author Jodie Callaghan; Illustrator Georgia Lesley

On the Campaign Trail

Door knocking and listening in Flesherton
  • The Rocklyn Fall was so much fun! I won an ice cream contest, baked a pie, watched some horses (and dogs and...). I also talked to a lot of people about the future of Rocklyn and its arena. (This will be a longer post very soon.) I look forward to being at the all candidates meeting on Friday October 7 at 6:30.

  • I visited The Hanley Institute twice in 12 hours! (I was sorry to miss their open house the Saturday before.) The first was in the evening to support of Brian McCulloch whom I think will make a thoughtful Councillor. The second was in the AM for an Alzheimer Society fundraiser.

  • Knocked on doors in Flesherton and Markdale.

Weekend Plans

Next Week

Council's final meeting on Wednesday October 5, 2022 and the Agenda is Public now. The following items are on the Agenda:

  • Delegation on Development (DC) Charges Presentation by Hemson Consulting Inc

  • Heritage Property Tax Rebate

  • HOT TOPIC ALERT PL.22.122 - OP04.2022 is proposed amendments to adjust the portion of The Official Plan that relates to On-farm Diversified Uses (OFDUs).

The proposal wants to amend the definition of “small scale” as it relates to OFDUs to the following:

SMALL SCALE On lots that are 20 hectares or greater, means a use:

1. That occupies a building or buildings with a total maximum gross floor area of 750 square metres, and

2. That has a maximum outdoor storage area of 750 square metres, except for sawmills, which may have a maximum outdoor storage area of 2000 square metres.

On lots that are greater than or equal to 10 hectares but less than 20 hectares, means a use:

1. That occupies a building or buildings with a total maximum gross floor area of 750 square metres, and

2. For which the associated buildings and outdoor storage area occupy a maximum of 0.5% of the total lot area.

Enjoy the weekend,

Danielle Valiquette



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