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Updated: Oct 17, 2022

This blog post is part of my series, Vote Valiquette.

This blog series includes the following posts:

This post, Valiquette for Mayor of Grey Highlands in which I explore why you should vote for me.


It’s time that Grey Highlands had leadership that is about people, not politics. As your mayor, I am committed to open communication. I believe in working collaboratively, and not seeing the world as either winners or losers because divisive politics are a barrier to real solutions that improve people’s lives. Politician shouldn’t be a dirty word; politicians can do better, so much better, and as your mayor I will strive to make “politician” evoke a positive image: an image of integrity and transparency.

I am running because I am committed to a collaborative government that works transparently with staff and the community.

The pandemic has shifted the landscape of our municipality, but I think we can be strengthened by, rather than wounded by, our common experiences. Grey Highlands needs resilient and capable leadership to navigate both the urban-out migration (from the 416 and 905), as well as the over-tourism affecting our area. This includes the traffic speed increases in our community.

I am running because Grey Highlands is changing, and we need forward thinking leadership that reflects where Grey Highlands is headed. Let’s build a community that is shaped by our strong rural, farming roots.

Everyone deserves a home they can afford, where they want to live. We are in a housing crisis, and we need to think outside of the box to provide attainable and affordable housing including more housing choices through expanded zoning options, gentle density via infilling with smart growth within our existing urban boundaries. This can be done all while preserving our farmlands, wetlands and forests.

I am running because I am committed to supporting affordable housing in Grey Highlands through infilling with smart growth in our built-up areas.

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Personal @daniellevaliquette



Personal @danivaliquette


Personal @DanielleValiquetteforBruceGreyOwenSound

Farm @StoneHouseStables



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